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My Death Valley Experiences

Friday, July 12, 2024

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“Fiery trials make golden Christians.” – C.H. Spurgeon

I invite you to look back on your life and ask yourself a singular question…

During which times did you grow the most spiritually: (A) the mountaintop experiences or (B) when you were down in the valley? If you are like me, there is only one possible (and correct) answer, and it is B.

Sure, sitting atop a mountain and basking in God’s glory is a lot more fun than wallowing in the depths of a dark and dreary valley. But I dare say that more growth takes place in the cold, wet valleys of life where we are crying out to God and clinging helplessly but determinedly to His promises.

Of course, no one wants to stay in those valleys longer than necessary. After all, we are all human and tests, trials, troubles, and tribulations can drain you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. However, the lessons learned there – when properly applied – can and will serve you extremely well in your Christian walk.

For instance, I have been fully “broken” at least twice in my life. The first time came after graduating college in 1981. I couldn’t find a full-time job in my chosen field for 10 months and the girl that I planned to marry dumped me unceremoniously. The second time was in 2011, when our family relocated from New Jersey to Florida. I went from leading a very successful prison ministry where I earned $70,000 per year to grossing $18,000 working three part-time jobs.

Would I want to repeat either of those “Death Valley” experiences? Not on your life! But were they necessary for my spiritual growth and development? Absolutely!

I wouldn’t go so far as saying that I am now, in the words of Charles Spurgeon, a “golden Christian.” However, I can gaze in the rearview mirror of life and say that I am marginally but discernably more Christlike. I judge less, forgive more, and hold fewer grudges. Best of all, I love more deeply and unconditionally.

“Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from what He suffered.” Hebrews 5:8 (BSB)

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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