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Flying with Pap

Monday, December 9, 2024

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“Godly influence is someone who moves others towards God’s agenda. To influence others toward godliness, one must first be under God’s influence.” – Rev. Joe Moore

My father-in-law, who recently went home to be with the Lord, was a small aircraft pilot. He worked as an independent contractor for a living and also grew and maintained a Christmas tree farm, but his real passion was flying. His first plane was a one-seater with a Volkswagen engine that he built in the basement of his house.

After a few years, “Pap” bought a second plane – a Cessna from the late 1940’s – and practically rebuilt it from scratch. When his hanger flooded not once but twice, Pap had to dismantle his plane, clean each and every piece by hand, and put it back together again.

Pap’s third and final plane was a Europa that he ordered as a kit, assembled, and flew all by himself. Pretty impressive stuff, huh?

The only plane that I took a ride in was his rebuilt Cessna, and watching him meticulously check every dial and every instrument before filing his flight plan and taking off demonstrated his expertise. In fact, I had so much confidence in Pap’s flying ability that I allowed him to take all three of our kids for a ride when they were still fairly young.

Had Pap been haphazard about maintaining his plane or flying it, there is no way I would have climbed aboard that Cessna let alone allowed him to take Bethany, Matt, and Chris hundreds of feet up in the air. But I trusted him because he had done it hundreds of times before. He even taught his brother-in-law to fly and was a great influence on his other daughter (the one I didn’t marry), because she later became a certified pilot and flight instructor herself.

There’s that word – influence – that Pastor Joe Moore mentioned in today’s quote. Just like it takes a knowledgeable and experienced pilot to teach someone else how to fly, it takes a godly person to be a godly influence in someone else’s life.

My friend, let us strive to be a godly influence on others.

"In everything set them an example by doing what is good.” Titus 2:7

- Rev. Dale M. Glading, President

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